Company News


April 18, 2024

Today, DRUGDOCS® Inc., a leader in delivering authoritative drug information to healthcare professionals, announced the rollout of a significant update to its platform, now featuring advanced AI integration.


March 4, 2024

DRUGDOCS® is pleased to introduce a new look. The new portal makes it even easier for healthcare professionals to get the latest drug information they need to make informed, evidence-based decisions.


January 8, 2024

We face a critical issue that cannot be ignored: the underrepresentation of women in RCTs. In 289 RCTs covering a wide array of diseases, overall median enrollment rate of women was only 41%!


November 2, 2023

The American Medical Women’s Association (AMWA) and DrugDocs Inc. (DrugDocs) have formed a strategic partnership committed to raising sex/gender awareness in disease treatment.


November 1, 2023

DRUGDOCS: A must-have when trying to understand a drug for a meta-analysis. This site systematically collects and organizes all essential documents on FDA-approved drugs, like product monographs, systematic reviews and meta-analysis, and clinical practice guidelines.


September 21, 2023

I will never forget the words of a mentor who offered me a piece of sage advice that's reflexively become my go-to when I face a challenge today. I ask myself this one basic question: What are we trying to solve for?


August 15, 2023

Imagine you're at the FIFA Women's World Cup finals and you learn that the average IQ of everyone in the stadium is 102. Now, let's say you decide to estimate this average IQ for yourself. You randomly select 15 batches of 500 people from the stadium ...


August 1, 2023

"I had considerable freedom of clinical choice of therapy: My trouble was that I did not know which to use and when. I would gladly have sacrificed my freedom for a little knowledge." (Cochrane, A.L., 1971)