


Drug updated on 3/28/2024

Dosage FormInjection (intravenous; 3.2 mg/1.6 mL (2 mg/mL))
Drug ClassOptical imaging agents
Ongoing and
Completed Studies


  • Indicated as an adjunct for intraoperative identification of malignant lesions in adult patients with ovarian cancer.
  • • Indicated as an adjunct for intraoperative identification of malignant and non-malignant pulmonary lesions in adult patients with known or suspected cancer in the lung.

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  • Pafolacianine (Cytalux) is used as an adjunct for intraoperative identification of malignant lesions in adult patients with ovarian cancer and also for identifying malignant and non-malignant pulmonary lesions in adults with known or suspected lung cancer.
  • Two randomized controlled trials were reviewed to gather information about the effectiveness and safety of pafolacianine (Cytalux).
  • In a Phase 3 trial involving 112 patients, intravenous administration of pafolacianine within 24 hours before surgery resulted in clinically significant events reflecting meaningful changes in surgical operations among 53% participants compared to a prespecified limit of 10%.
  • The study found that intraoperative molecular imaging using pafolacianine helped surgeons locate primary nodules they could not find using white light and palpation alone, occurring in approximately one-fifth (19%) of subjects.
  • Additionally, this method revealed occult synchronous malignant lesions undetected by conventional methods in 8% of subjects; most discovered malignancies were outside the planned resection field, which led to alterations in the overall scope of the surgical procedure for 29 of the subjects.
  • No drug-related serious adverse events occurred during these studies indicating that use of pafolacianine was safe under these conditions; however no specific subgroup considerations were mentioned across both documents reviewed regarding its usage or effects on different population types.

Product Monograph / Prescribing Information

Document TitleYearSource
Cytalux (pafolacianine) Prescribing Information.2022On Target Laboratories, Inc., West Lafayette, IN

Randomized Controlled Trials

Document TitleSex DistributionYearSource
Pafolacianine for intraoperative molecular imaging of cancer in the lung: The ELUCIDATE trial.
Data not availableSubjects
F: null%
M: null%
2023The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
A phase III study of pafolacianine injection (otl38) for intraoperative imaging of folate receptor–positive ovarian cancer (study 006).
Data not availableSubjects
F: null%
M: null%
2022Journal of Clinical Oncology

Sex Distribution:

No Data



Source:The Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery