


Drug updated on 4/26/2024

Dosage FormInjection (intravenous: 20 mg lyophilized powder for reconstitution)
Drug ClassBenzodiazepines
Ongoing and
Completed Studies


  • Indicated for the induction and maintenance of procedural sedation in adults undergoing procedures lasting 30 minutes or less.

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  • Remimazolam (Byfavo) is indicated for the induction and maintenance of procedural sedation in adults undergoing procedures lasting 30 minutes or less.
  • Four systematic reviews/meta-analyses were reviewed, providing a comprehensive analysis of remimazolam's safety and efficacy compared to other anesthetics such as propofol and midazolam.
  • In endoscopic surgery, remimazolam was found to reduce postoperative injection pain, hypotension, and respiratory depression when compared with propofol; however it slightly reduced the success rate of operations.
  • For patients undergoing colonoscopy procedures, studies showed that using remimazolam resulted in a reduced need for top-up doses and rescue medication when compared with midazolam; sensitivity analysis favored remimazolan over midzalom for procedural sedation during these procedures.
  • A meta-analysis involving seven relevant studies demonstrated that while the sedative efficiency of remizalam was significantly higher than that of placebo or midzalom during endoscopic procedure sedations, it was lesser than propofols'.
  • Despite showing promising results in terms of effectiveness during procedural sedation relative to other drugs like midzalom, further research is needed to conclusively establish its safety due to inconclusive findings from trial sequential analyses on adverse events associated with its use.

Product Monograph / Prescribing Information

Document TitleYearSource
Byfavo (remimazolam) Prescribing Information.2023Acacia Pharma, Inc., Indianapolis, IN

Systematic Reviews / Meta-Analyses