


Drug updated on 3/28/2024

Dosage FormInjection (subcutaneous; 150mg/mL)
Drug ClassInterleukin-13 antagonists
Ongoing and
Completed Studies


  • For the treatment of moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis in adult patients whose disease is not adequately controlled with topical prescription therapies or when those therapies are not advisable.

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  • Tralokinumab-ldrm (Adbry) is indicated for the treatment of moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis in adult patients whose disease is not adequately controlled with topical prescription therapies or when those therapies are not advisable.
  • A total of 12 systematic reviews/meta-analyses were reviewed to gather information about tralokinumab-ldrm (Adbry).
  • When compared to dupilumab, tralokinumab showed lower odds of reaching EASI 50, indicating it might be less effective for certain endpoints such as achieving a 50% improvement in the Eczema Area and Severity Index.
  • Against Janus Kinase Inhibitors like high-dose upadacitinib and abrocitinib, Adbry was found to be less effective; however, these drugs also presented a higher incidence of adverse events making tralokinumab a safer option albeit with potentially lower efficacy for some outcomes.
  • Tralokinumab demonstrated significant effectiveness in improving AD symptoms such as Scoring Atopic Dermatitis score, achieving EASI -75%, and Investigator's Global Assessment scores within specified time frames.
  • In terms of safety profile comparison against other drugs like Dupilimub and Janus Kinase inhibitors, tralokimumb (Abdry), alongside lebrikizmub were among the safest options showing only modest increase risk on conjunctivitis.
  • The documents primarily focused on adult populations with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis without specific mention or detailed discussion on subgroups based demographics such as age (beyond "adults"), sex or ethnicity.
  • A notable side effect associated specifically with Tralonkimuamb (Abdy) was an increased risk conjunctivits similar to other IL13 inhibitors but this elevated risk considered manageable compared broader adverse effects observed systemic treatments.

Product Monograph / Prescribing Information

Document TitleYearSource
Adbry (tralokinumab-ldrm) Prescribing Information.2022LEO Pharma Inc., Madison, NJ

Systematic Reviews / Meta-Analyses

Document TitleYearSource
Comparing binary efficacy outcomes for systemic immunomodulatory treatments for atopic dermatitis in a living systematic review and network meta-analysis. 2023British Journal of Dermatology
Systemic treatments for atopic dermatitis (eczema): systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized trials. 2023Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Efficacy and safety of tralokinumab in the treatment of atopic dermatitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. 2023Medicine
Clinical and pharmacoeconomic combined report: tralokinumab (Adtralza). 2022CADTH
Assessment report: Adtralza.2022EMA
The efficacy and safety of IL-13 inhibitors in atopic dermatitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis.2022Frontiers in Immunology
Systemic immunomodulatory treatments for atopic dermatitis: update of a living systematic review and network meta-analysis.2022JAMA Dermatology
Comparative Efficacy and Safety of Monoclonal Antibodies and Janus Kinase Inhibitors in Moderate-to-severe Atopic Dermatitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. 2022Acta Dermato-venereologica
JAK inhibitors and monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of atopic dermatitis: effectiveness and value.2021ICER
Comparative efficacy and safety of systemic therapies used in moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis: a systematic literature review and network meta-analysis.2021Journal of The European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology
Biological Therapies for Atopic Dermatitis: A Systematic Review.2021Dermatology
Systemic treatments for eczema: a network meta-analysis.2020Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Effect of monoclonal antibody drug therapy on mucosal biomarkers in airway disease: a systematic review.2020Clinical & Experimental Allergy
Are biologics efficacious in atopic dermatitis? A systematic review and meta-analysis.2018American Journal of Clinical Dermatology